Win more deals with streamlined proposals

Be more efficient and leverage existing and frequently used on-brand slides to build deal-winning proposals
SlideHub makes us more efficient and on-brand when building proposals and training our clients. The usage statistics on slides and end-users is also something we cherish
Glenn langridge
Director of digital

Fix document chaos and find on-brand slides with ease

Streamline proposals by finding and inserting best-practice slides in seconds

Encourage brand-compliant knowledge sharing

Make consultant feel included by allowing them to suggest slides to the team while keeping brand control

See which slides are being used

Access your live usage statistics to reveal any shortcomings or development opportunities

Build beautiful slides in seconds with SlideHub

Save time on creating visuals by accessing and customizing the pre-made slides, icons and images from the platform

Increase productivity with dynamic actions

Swap shapes, replace icons and images in seconds using the dynamic actions
Create compelling visuals with premade adjustable slides
100.000 searchable icons across 10+ consistent icon styles
High quality, license free, images from Unsplash directly into PowerPoint
High quality, license free Logos directly into PowerPoint
High quality, license free, illustrations from directly into PowerPoint

How to become a SlideHub customer

Evaluate relevance during the demo(s)
Begin with a monthly plan for a minimal number of users
Benefit from a SlideHub-supported rollout
Gain certainty about SlideHub's value
Commit to an annual deal to unlock volume discounts
Receive ongoing customer success support for maximum value realization
Evaluate relevance during the demo(s)
Begin with a monthly plan for a minimal number of users
Benefit from a SlideHub-supported rollout
Gain certainty about SlideHub's value
Commit to an annual deal to unlock volume discounts
Receive ongoing customer success support for maximum value realization

Encourage brand-compliant knowledge sharing

Make consultant feel included by allowing them to suggest slides to the team while keeping brand control