GDPR at SlideHub

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What is the GDPR

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of regulations introduced by the EU member states put in place to protect organizations’ use of personal data.

The regulation outlines a list of rules that all companies operating in the EU must apply to in order to avoid substantial fees – up to 4% of an organization’s global revenue.

At SlideHub, we know that our clients are very keen on being compliant with GDPR. Thus, in order for us to serve our clients, GDPR is naturally a key priority for us at SlideHub.

GDPR specific efforts

In order to increase our compliance with the new GDPR regulation we have completed the following initiatives.

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Full transparency on all customer data

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Customizable automatic file deletion

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Updated cookie policy

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Updated standard terms

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Update of content marketing consent

Personal data management & transparency
See the list of personal data stored with SlideHub and external providers
Cookie policy
What we track, the services we provide and how they are – as well as your option to turn some of them off
Standard terms and conditions
Our standard terms and conditions have been updated to reflect GDPR related changes
Data processing agreement
Read our data processing agreement as one of the inputs for GDPR compliance
Handling of other confidential information
We have several existing processes in place to handle confidential information
Want more details?
Let’s talk
Do you have additional questions not covered by any of the above? Then we would love to explain things in more detail. Set up a call or reach our to the project managers directly