Missed the SlideHub Q2 Webinar? Catch Up on the Latest Features Here!

During the Q2 product webinar we dived into:

Watch the whole recording of the webinar here.

What is new in Quarter 2?

In Quarter 2 our focus has been on improving and simplifying the most essential SlideHub features.

Simplified user experience with consistent asset filtering across your library

Invested time in providing a more seamless experience on the platform. The "off the shelf assets" (standard icons, Unsplash images, illustrations, logos, and flags) now share a user experience more similar to that of the "inspiration slides" and "company assets.

What did we focus on?

  • More consistent user experience across different asset types:
    • New category and filtering view for Unsplash images
    • New category and filtering view for illustrations
    • New category overview for standard icons and flags
  • Ability to search preferred styles simultaneously for both flags and icons

See it in action:

Improved label-based navigation

Making sure that everything in SlideHub can be found quickly and easily is an important goal for us because time saved searching for the right asset is time you can spend developing better content!​ With progressive filters, end users will be presented with relevant filters that help them navigate growing slide libraries. The idea is that the filter granularity increases as filters are selected e.g. when a category is selected, the subcategory and tag filters are shown. To enable deep filtering, the default experience now allow users to apply multiple subcategory or tag filters at once. Furthermore, to avoid applying filters without any associated assets, only relevant filters are presented to the user.

What did we focus on?

  • Ability to filter multiple subcategories or tags for refined search
  • Presenting only relevant options
  • Classic filtering approach to provide a comprehensive overview of relevant filters

To see how to use it watch the video below:

Enhanced slide previewer

When exploring slides in the SlideHub library you are now able to more smoothly preview slides before selecting or inserting them.

What did we focus on?

  • Ability to quickly and seamlessly view slide details
  • Ability to preview slides within presentations in the library


Improved presentation search results

As presentations often contain a large number of slides, with a lot of text content, a large number of presentations often show up in search queries that contain words frequently used in a given library. With this update, when presentations appear in the results the interface indicates the number of slides in the presentation that match the search term.

What did we focus on?

  • When presentations appear in the search results, the interface will indicate the number of slides within each presentation that match the search term​
  • Users can now click "view matches" to display only the slides that contain the search term

Suggestions enhancement

It is now possible for end users (and managers) to suggest updates to existing slides in the library directly via PowerPoint, leave additional comments for the person reviewing the slides, and keep track of the changes related to the suggested slide through the change log.

What did we focus on?

  • Chat box for comments and and enhanced timeline log
  • Reduced the complexity of status management to three categories
  • Warning if a slide you are about to suggest already exists in the library to avoid duplicates

To see it in action, watch the video below:

Slide and presentation updating improvements

We further enhanced the experience of the library managers with a number of new improvements regarding the slide and presentation updating experience.

What did we focus on?

  • Possibility to update whole presentations directly from PowerPoint
  • Managers can now overwrite non-recent slide versions to update the slides they've been working on
  • Providing a real-time insight into syncing presentations when you update to the library

Watch this video to see it in action:

Upcoming features in Q3

In Q3 we want to further focus on the improvement of version control, presentation customization, and simplicity:

Version control for deleted slides

The development of version control for deleted slides enables users to keep track of deleted slides - see who deleted what and when - and the ability to restore them if needed.

Mock-up of version control for deleted slides

Presentation builder

In Q3 our goal is to help clients drive increased proposal win-rates. To do so we are working on a simple, but impactful presentation builder which will further streamline the proposal creation process.

For managers: With the presentation builder feature managers will be able to provide presentations to their teams with a set of mandatory slides that their colleagues should always include and a range of variable slides chosen by the admin that end-users have to pick from.

For end-users: The only difference end-users will see with the presentation builder is that they will be able to choose a variable slide that the library manager set for the presentation.

Mock-up of the Presentation builder

Major improvements for the placeholder feature

To make the placeholder more powerful and less time consuming, the placeholder will be combined with the File validation feature. This will decrease the manual work and streamline the process.

What does this update mean?

  • Simpler manager experience
  • Ability to mass update placeholders through a CSV file
  • Token-based approach
  • Changing the default value of of a token in one slide will update all the other slides as well
  • Automatic detection of placeholders through file validation

Mock-up of the new placeholder view

New presenter role for users who don’t need to build many slides

For this feature the main focus is on providing users (e.g. more sales-oriented employees) with an even more simplified users experience. This role is designed for members who primarily reuse best-practice, company-approved slides, rather than creating new ones from scratch. Therefore, they do not need to utilize all the features of the SlideHub platform.

Comparison between 'Member' role view and 'Presenter' role view

Last but not least, we also touched upon how we plan to implement AI into our product strategy

Initially the main aim with the use of AI is to support existing product vision and create the foundation for future plans. In Q3 we plan to utilize AI for improving end-user experience, by:

  • Using AI to improve the relevance of search results
  • Providing users with an access to a secure and private ChatGPT-like experience directly in PowerPoint

At the end of the webinar we also introduced a client case study, more specifically how Amsterdam Data Collective got quick adoption of new brand in PowerPoint with the help of SlideHub’s ImplementationPLUS+ support. You can read the full case here or watch Rune (co-founder & Head of Customer Success) cover it during the webinar.

Keep up-to-date with the latest product updates

Your support and feedback really helps us to keep working hard to further improve the user experience and to maximize our platform’s benefit to you. As you see we already have some cool features in the work for Quarter 3– and we can’t wait for you to see it! Don’t miss out and sign up for our next product webinar or subscribe to our product newsletter.

We look forward to seeing you at the next webinar!

Watch the whole recording of the webinar here: Q2 Product Webinar- 2024

Are you interested in becoming a client - Schedule a demo here

Do you need our assistance as a clients - Book a call with Customer Success

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Timea Borbath

Product Marketer

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

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