Stay up-to-date with the latest highlights from SlideHub’s Q3 Product Webinar and what’s coming next!

Watch the whole recording of the webinar here: Q3 Product Webinar- 2024

Main point discussed during the Q3 Product Update Webinar:

You can find the recording of the full session here.

Product updates from Q3:

In Q3, our primary focus was enhancing automation through the development of the Presentation Builder and the new Placeholder approach, while also improving insights into library usage by refining the Platform Statistics.

The Presentation Builder

Designed to streamline the proposal creation process, offering a more dynamic approach that is particularly valuable for sales enablement and marketing teams

What did we focus on?

  • Simple but impactful Presentation Builder for end users that enables them to  quickly create custom-approved decks from predefined slide groups
  • Easy implementation and management for managers
  • Label-based variable groups that automatically update

Improved placeholder feature

Enhances user experience by enabling smoother and more efficient customization of presentations

What did we focus on?

  • Scan slides for [identifiers] and easily link them to the platform
  • Update identifiers or default values within slides with ease
  • Simpler manager experience and ability to track placeholder usage

Enhanced platform statistics

Improved library statistics to help better inform adoption and content improvements

What did we focus on?

  • More detailed overview within the ‘Active Users’ and a new trend view
  • Enhancement of filters, such as user, teams, period
  • Increased speed when loading the Search Performance Report

Additional noteworthy product updates: Version control for deleted slides and several improvements to similar slides

In addition to the improvements mentioned above, we've expanded the version control feature to include deleted slides. This enhancement makes it easier to track slides that have been removed and gives you the ability to restore them within 90 days, ensuring better management and recovery of your content.

The "Find Similar Slides" feature has been enhanced, making it even easier to keep your library organized. Now, you can scan for and merge or delete duplicate slides more effortlessly. Additionally, you can mark slides as "similar" to prevent them from appearing in future scan results, which is especially useful for slides like section breaks or placeholders that you don't want flagged as duplicates.

Updates coming in Q4

In Q4 we want to further enhance SlideHub's automation capabilities and improve some other core features:

Image and icon based placeholders

Expanding the placeholder feature to include visual assets will allow users to customize and enhance their presentations more quickly and easily with images, icons, and logos as well.

Abstract visual of the image and icon based placeholder

Admin managed data

Using identifier-based admin-controlled data, library administrators will be able to easily update information (e.g., number of employees) across multiple slides, ensuring compliance and consistency.

Define the data type within the Placeholder identifier setting

Microsoft Word Placeholder support

We plan to expand the placeholder feature -currently available for presentations only- to Word documents. This enhancement will enable users to streamline the customization of their Word templates (e.g., contracts) with the appropriate information.

Placeholder identifiers for MS Word documents

Refinement of the add-in within PowerPoint with focus on the Version Control experience

This feature aims to enhance user experience by simplifying the SlideHub pane within PowerPoint. With this update, users will enjoy a more intuitive interface for an even smoother version control experience.

Before and after for both admin and end-user views

We also discussed our decision to postpone the implementation of AI in our product strategy and introduced a client case study: how Clinical Microbiomics efficiently utilizes and distributes the latest materials. You can read the full case study here or watch Rune, our co-founder and Head of Customer Success, present it during the webinar.

Keep up-to-date with the latest product updates

Your support and feedback really helps us to keep working hard to further improve the user experience and to maximize our platform’s benefit to you. As you see we already have some cool features in the work for Quarter 4 – and we can’t wait for you to see it! Don’t miss out and sign up for our next product webinar or subscribe to our product newsletter.

We look forward to seeing you at the next webinar!

Are you interested in becoming a client - Schedule a demo here

Do you need our assistance as a clients - Book a call with Customer Success

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Find out for yourself how the latest product updates can benefit you

Timea Borbath

Product Marketer

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